本产品获得国家实用新型专利证书,专利号为:ZL 201821245100.0
It has got the utility model patent,which is issued by the state intellectual property office of the P.R.C. The patent NO is: ZL201821245100.0
It has got the patent of invention. The patent NO is: 200510049495.X
It has achieved 0-0.6 MPa 100,000 times recycle fatigue test sccessfully.
桶体内安装各种材质各种精度的内径为28-30mm:外径为60-70mm的两端平压式滤芯 (或标准222接头滤芯) 9根或8根。
最高工作温度: 45℃,顶盖上预留的排气阀及压力表安装孔的螺纹尺寸为: G1/4" , 配公制压力表需要订购转接头。
It can install all material; all precision's cartridge 9 PCS or 8 PCS, which I.D. is 28-30mm, O.D. is 60-70mm.
The highest working temperature is 45℃, The size of the two holes in the lid of the filter is G1/4". If the thread of the pressure gauge is metric standard, should add an adaptor.
产品优势/Product Merits
1、过滤器采用UPVC材质,部件一次成型, 标准化生产,更换、维修方便。
2、过滤器进出水口在同一水平直线,连接有3” 的由令接头, 视觉美观、整齐。
6、过滤器为UPVC材质成型,具有较强的耐腐蚀性, 能用于不锈钢不能代替的化工行业,更能体现它的经济价值和实用价值。
1.All the parts of this series filters are made of UPVC material.
2.The inlet and outlet are in the same line, which connected with the pipe is adopt a 3”union.
3.The distribution system of HPCF filters is distributed from bottom to top. Water is well-proportioned with small strike to cartridges and air is easy to be discharged.
4.The bottom system of HPCF filter is designed together as a whole with the top localizer & closure system.Cartridges are easy to be installed, push down and closed, preventing leaking inside.
5.The lid and the body are connected using eyebolts flange method, Ensure a good seal performance.and ensure the filter can stand higher pressure.
6.HPCF filter is corrosion resistant, It can be used in SS-none-replace field.
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